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Writer's Festival
Delacombe Writer's Festival
Every year Delacombe Primary School hosts a Writer's Festival. The aim of this festival is to celebrate our students' hard work through building a sense of purpose, pride and inclusivity to their writing. Every single student in the school has a piece of writing and artwork displayed in our corridors which have been transformed to match the year's current theme.
Our first ever Writer's Festival was held in 2016 and has been a huge success among parent, students, teachers and the wider community.
Over the years we have explored themes such as Spring, Around the world, Imagine... and Under the Sea.
See below some of our memorable displays from the last few years.

Delacombe Primary School was alive with alliteration and super excited about similes on Friday.
The inaugural Writers’ Festival had the whole school humming with hyperbole as parents and pupils alike enjoyed spring inspired essays and art works.
Teaching and learning coach Stephanie Lee said all 309 pupils had been taking part in the Ann Angelopoulos inspired Writing Model all year, using figurative language techniques.
Since the start of term 4, they also created art works to go with their stories, with all unveiled at the Writers’ Festival.
“We did vocabulary work first, then a sentence, then a paragraph and then a text,” Ms Lee said.
The festival culminated with awards and a scavenger hunt involving parents and pupils.
The Process
Our students and teachers work hard over several weeks to develop rich vocabulary around our chosen theme. Students are able to explore the beautiful writing and illustrations within a variety of text. This helps to build a sense of enthusiasm and creativity that is able to be transferred into their own writing. Students then plan, draft and publish their writing, which will be proudly displayed for all to see.

2022 Writers' Festival
In 2022 our students amazed our school community with their incredible writing in our "Under the Sea" themed Writer's Festival.

2023 Writers' Festival
In 2023 our students amazed our school community with their incredible writing in our "Australia" themed Writer's Festival.
Click on the below link to view our Writer's Festival Website:
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